March 10, 2022 Published by

New technologies and innovative ingredients have raised the bar on skincare product effectiveness. Every year, the science of product development continues to evolve, yielding major advantages for consumers, while upping the level of competition among beauty brands eager to serve an increasingly savvy buyer.

Although product efficacy has increased, women still struggle with the same facial skin issues at each stage in her life. When analyzing results of The Benchmarking Company’s (TBC) skincare buyer studies of both yesterday and today, the same top 5 skin problems surface for each generation, and consumers continue to seek Holy Grail products that will alleviate these consistently troublesome concerns.

The following is a peek inside these chronic concerns, product desires, buying habits, and most appealing skincare keywords and claims revealed by consumers in a 2021 and 2022 study of more than 2,000 respondents. The top skincare issues by generation are consistent with those recorded from TBC skincare studies conducted in 2016 and 2019 among thousands of beauty buying consumers.  

Gen Z – Ages 25 and under

Gen Z – Top Skincare Issues

#1 Acne

#2 Uneven skin tone/Hyperpigmentation

#3 Dark areas under eyes

#4 Large pores

#5 Maintaining youthful skin

Acne is by far the top skincare concern among beauty buyers ages 25 and under, but only half (50%) of Gen Z buyers surveyed in a December 2021 study believe that acne products on the market meet their needs. Just 20% of those who list large pores as a concern believe current offerings are effective, with 32% of Gen Z buyers who listed uneven skin tone/hyperpigmentation believing their needs are currently met by available products. 

While she’s not a big spender on skincare yet, she does shop the full range of mass-to-prestige stores for products to address these concerns, with Sephora (65%), Ulta (55%), superstores (55%), (55%) and drug stores (50%) as her go-to skincare retailers.

This young consumer uses a wide variety of skincare products regularly, with 40% saying they already use anti-aging treatments. The most popular product types she’s using now include facial cleansers (86%), regular facial moisturizer (80%), sheet masks (69%), acne treatments (62%) as well as specific cleansers to treat acne (57%).