Consumer Research

Consumer Research

Successful brands deeply and intimately understand their consumers. They know what turns them on (and off) and they connect with them on an emotional level.

Understanding their desires and purchase triggers allows you to win their loyalty and connect with them in ways that improve marketing effectiveness, optimize product portfolios and accelerate sales with newfound knowledge and insights.

The Benchmarking Company conducts both quantitative and qualitative studies to measure your brand’s perception among your target audiences.

Get in Touch!

Get to know your consumer through in-depth research. Drop us a note for more information on Beauty & Personal Care product testing and specialized beauty consumer research.

    WAIT! If you would like to become a product tester, please do not fill out this contact form. Instead:
    [Click here to join our female panel]
    [Click here to join our male panel]

    Are you ready to know your consumer on a deeper level? Download our 2024 TBC Consumer Research Brochure

    Quantitative Research

    Tap into the opinions of thousands of beauty and personal grooming enthusiasts. TBC’s exclusive, vetted, 275k+ member thePinkPanel™ female and GuysThatGroom™ men’s panel provide insights for the following types of studies:

    New product concept testing for products not yet on the market
    Determine if your offering is unique and alluring enough to cause her to buy.
    Non-US companies introducing products for the first time in America
    Coming to America? Understanding the US consumer and how to reach her is a must.
    Permissions-based testing for current brands offering a completely new SKU
    Know your consumers’ attitudes and receptivity toward a new offering, including barriers to purchase or usage.
    Celebrity or “Doctor” new beauty product permissions testing
    Understand underlying assumptions or awareness levels associated with the face of a new product offering.
    Brand awareness and perception testing
    Know how your brand is perceived, why she’s buying your products (or not).
    Competitor tracking
    Which brands hold her interest? Learn why and which competitive products she buys, and what you can do about it.
    Pricing analysis
    Are your products priced right? Understand her pricing thresholds and the reasons why she’ll splurge on certain must-haves.
    Message testing
    Know if your brand’s messages resonate with her, which parts speak to her emotionally, and which parts might be falling flat.
    Packaging and other imagery testing
    Compelling packaging and images can cause immediate interest or disinterest. Test existing packaging or new package concepts.
    Advertising awareness and benchmarking
    Know if your expensive new ad campaign will pique her interest, or if the current campaign moved the awareness needle.
    *NEW!* Mini-quant subscription service
    Query our US panels twice a year, up to 10 questions per study with a guarantee of 1,000+ responses per query.

    TBC can create custom studies according to your needs, providing brands on average with well over 1,000 survey results, which can then be cross-tabulated in any number of ways.

    275000 +

    TBC's vetted male and female beauty and personal care buyer panelists

    11000 +

    Unique questions posed to our panelists

    22648000 +

    Survey responses

    Qualitative Testing

    Our expert moderators facilitate intimate in-person or Zoom Pro virtual focus groups that explore your customers’ and prospects’ buying habits, needs, opinions and motivators for buying products. Does she gravitate toward your product packaging when it is shown on a shelf with competing packages? Does he easily understand the call-to-action in your proposed television ad?

    TBC recruits the exact consumer you’re seeking, managing and facilitating both small and large-scale studies at state-of-the-art facilities across the US and abroad. We also offer more cost-friendly Zoom Pro virtual focus groups, where brands can view the proceedings live from the comfort of their own offices. Watch live behind the scenes and instantly know your consumers’ attitudes and perceptions at these invaluable qualitative research studies.

    Are you ready to know your consumer on a deeper level? Download our TBC Consumer Research Brochure