September 14, 2021 Published by

Savvy brands are realizing what American women have always known: she doesn’t stop using and buying beauty just because she reaches a certain age. Au contraire. Older buyers are generally more brand loyal and have more disposable income than their younger counterparts, yet they’re often besieged by bodily changes that can make buying effective products for them difficult, if not impossible.

From celebrity-inspired startups and indies to well-known mainstream brands, creating life stage-appropriate beauty and wellness products for the menopausal woman has become chic. What’s more, it’s good business.

To find out what women want in products during this time in life, The Benchmarking Company (TBC) conducted a 48 question online study in August 2021. TBC surveyed 2,023 American women about their menopausal changes, how they’re seeking relief, which beauty brands are speaking their language by offering products that work for them, and what they want next from your brand.

Average respondent age:

51.4 years

·        26% perimenopausal

·        20% menopausal

·        43% postmenopausal

·        11% still within childbearing years

Average age of entering menopause:


Work life:

·        61% work outside the home (4% are business owners)

·        15% retired

·        19% homemaker

·        5% student, not working


·        77% some college to doctoral degree

Expanded demographics:

·        65% HHI between $51K – $200K+

·        63% married

·        35% have 2 children

·        17% live in urban areas, 57% suburban, 26% rural

·        85% Caucasian, 5% Black, 5% Hispanic, 5% Asian or other.

She’s Got Issues

Seventy-two percent (72%) of peri- to post-menopausal women say they sometimes to always experience menopausal issues or symptoms that frustrate them, and they’re not shy about seeking help. Ninety-one percent (91%) report being likely or somewhat likely to talk openly about ways to combat symptoms and find targeted products to help, and 88% are encouraged by the fact that there is more social dialogue today about the impact and side effects related to menopause than there was 20 years ago.

Regardless of which stage of menopause she’s in, when it comes to the 411 on menopause related issues, symptoms, products or information, the top places she turns to for help in navigating these stages are:

  • 69% Doctor
  • 55% Internet
  • 42% Friends
  • 39% Family
  • 10% Books/published materials
  • 9% Social media
  • 6% Naturopath/homeopath

Forty-four percent (44%) report purchasing a product to address her menopausal concerns stemming from a conversation or recommendation from a friend/family member.

Those frustrating physical and beauty-related concerns that she’s experiencing vary slightly by her menopausal stage[1].

Perimenopausal Menopausal Postmenopausal
83% experience “frustrating” menopausal symptoms 90% experience “frustrating” menopausal symptoms 57% still experience “frustrating” menopausal symptoms
73% difficulty losing weight 87% hot flashes 78% hot flashes
70% hot flashes 76% night sweats 73% difficulty losing weight
69% night sweats 75% difficulty losing weight 69% night sweats
66% irregular periods 68% sleep pattern disruption 62% sleep pattern disruption
63% sleep pattern disruption 58% decreased sex drive 56% decreased sex drive
Beauty-related frustrations Beauty-related frustrations Beauty-related frustrations
51% dehydrated skin 51% dehydrated skin 60% loss of skin elasticity
50% loss of skin elasticity 50% loss of skin elasticity 58% more fine lines/wrinkles
47% more fine lines/wrinkles 47% more fine lines/wrinkles 52% dehydrated skin
45% hormonal breakouts 45% hormonal acne breakouts 52% sagging skin
44% age/sun spots/skin discoloration 44% age/sun spots/skin discoloration 49% age/sun spots/skin discoloration

Women also have sexual side effects in various stages of menopause, offering personal care brands an opportunity to provide products that meet her most intimate needs. Women in each of the three stages reported these issues:

  • 55% Painful sex
  • 55% Decreased sex drive
  • 50% Vaginal dryness
  • 24% Incontinence
  • 16% Change in vaginal odor
  • 10% Vaginal atrophy (thinning of the vaginal wall)

[1] Menopausal stages were defined at the beginning of the study to respondents as: Perimenopause: menstrual cycles become irregular, but they haven’t stopped; Menopause: when you’ll have your final menstrual period and have gone a year without one; Postmenopause: begins when your one year from your final period.